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Analyst coverage and consensus

Analysts' consensus

Please find below the link to the latest published analysts' consensus for Close Brothers Group as at 28 February 2025:

Company complied consensus as at 28 February 2025



The analysts’ consensus is provided for information purposes only, for the convenience of our investors and analysts. Consensus figures are those as at 28 February 2025, and may not reflect any changes to analyst estimates after that date. Figures shown include a simple arithmetic average, as well as the minimum and maximum values, of the latest forecasts provided to Close Brothers by a number of registered investment analysts by this date. Close Brothers excluded forecasts which have not been updated following the last reported full set of financial results (i.e. Full-Year or Half-Year Results) or have not been updated to reflect significant announcements or events.

Although Close Brothers will endeavour to ensure that the analysts’ consensus is kept updated from time to time, Close Brothers assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect circumstances existing after the date above. Close Brothers reserves the right, from time to time, with or without notice, to exclude one or more analysts’ forecasts on the basis that Close Brothers believes them to be unrepresentative and/or out of date.

The analysts’ consensus numbers have not been reviewed or reported on by or on behalf of Close Brothers or any independent third party for any purpose. Neither Close Brothers Group plc nor any subsidiary undertaking or any director, officer or employee of Close Brothers accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the forecasts used in the analysts’ consensus and therefore shall have no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the information in the analysts’ consensus.

The analysts’ consensus does not constitute Close Brothers prepared estimates, forecasts, predictions, projections or opinions and should not be taken as such for any purpose. The analysts’ consensus does not constitute and should not be construed as a profit forecast or profit estimate by or on behalf of Close Brothers. The analysts’ consensus is not intended to, nor does it, constitute investment advice or any offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any shares or other securities in Close Brothers Group plc or any of its group members. Analyst forecasts are the product of third party opinions, conclusions and expectations, and Close Brothers does not endorse, approve or adopt the analysts’ consensus or any underlying analyst’s estimate that may have formed part of the analysts’ consensus.

Close Brothers is not aware of, nor has it investigated, the existence of any interests or conflicts of interest of the contributors that could compromise the objectivity of the contributed information. Close Brothers has obtained the permission from each analyst included in the consensus information to include their estimates on a non-disclosed basis. The selection of each analyst’s estimates in the consensus is not affected by such analyst’s opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections, predictions or recommendations in respect of Close Brothers.  Close Brothers does not provide any commentary on the analysts’ consensus and is not obliged to produce and/or publish the analysts’ consensus and reserves the right to cease to do so at any time.


Sell side analysts covering Close Brothers Group include:


CompanyAnalyst Name
BerenbergAlexander Bowers
Canaccord GenuityPortia Patel
Keefe, Bruyette & WoodsEdward Firth
Deutsche-NumisRob Noble
Panmure GordonRae Maile / Ross Luckman
Peel HuntRobert Sage / Stuart Duncan
RBCBenjamin Toms / Pablo de la Torre
Redburn AtlanticHarry Bartlett
Shore CapitalGary Greenwood
UBSJason Napier / Sanjena Dadawala